Adrian Cunningham

Stars of Newcastle 2024

Say hello to Adrian Cunningham!

Adrian is a local Novocastrian that lives and breathes all things movement, adventure, community and feel-good causes. You can find him operating in the four walls of Watt St Athletic (a gym located in East End Newcastle) as an exercise Physiologist. Adrian loves a boogie but he feels he needs more than 10 weeks of lessons. He’s excited to get uncomfortable and at the same time have some fun raising money for Cancer Council NSW supporting local Novocastrians.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Howard Laughton

Great Work Adrian and great cause, our family have experience with Cancer and so many good people there to help.


Chris Ford


Howard Laughton

Congratulations Adrian we need great young people to raise money for all sorts of things. Cancer is high on the list. I look forward to watching your dance moves.


Customs House Hotel


Ross & Lyn Williams

Challenge The World...And Yourself


Osborn Law

Awesome work Ado. Wishing you all the very best mate. You'll be great!


Josh Smith




Tony & Gigliola Cunningham

Such a great cause. Proud of you.


Shani Watson

A worthy cause Adrian hope you achieve your goal.


Mary & Reg

Well done Ado. Here’s to reaching the 50k mark. Can’t wait to see your dance moves.


Colin Martin


Sally Whitaker


Julie & Will Callinan

Well done Adrian, great initiative & great cause. We too hope you reach your target.



I did my heel toes this morning, now it is your turn.


Sue & Graeme Towns

Well done Aido !! There are shortcuts to happiness and dancing is one of them. Enjoy 😊


Colin & Jenny Rick


Sharon Osborn

Best wishes Adrian you are doing a wonderful thing for those most in need


Trish Carter


Bern And Bob Alexander

Dance your socks off Ado!



Good on you Adrian!


Cribby & Chez

We know how good your moves are, lookout competitors It’s a great cause which has affected many people


Louisa Sola

Love your work Adrian!


John Cunningham


Glenda Kelson

I hope you achieve your goal!


Sal Cribb

You don’t need lessons, I have seen those moves!! Good luck 🙂


Terry & Bernie Hughes

Love a Boogie ! Fantastic Cause to support ! Good Luck !


Clare Cook


Colin & Jenny Rick

Good on ya mate. Very worthy cause. Hope you go better than your NSW FOOTY TEAM


Michael Pembroke

Let’s go brother Great work


Andrew Turcato


Antoinette Golino


Marg Mckinnin




Kath Fielding