Annie Milne

Stars of the Central Coast 2025

Annie Milne

The decision to join Dancing was an easy one as cancer has touched our family in too many ways over the last few years my Mum and Sister with Breast Cancer, my brother with lung cancer and my lovely husband with Prostate cancer, the opportunity to participate and raise much-needed funds is an honour and a privilege and one that I take seriously. I’ll be getting my happy feet on for all of them. 

Originally from the UK I came to the Coast in 1989 and loved it the glorious beaches, amazing community and natural beauty. I am so grateful to live on the coast with an unparralled lifestyle.  

I’m also grateful for my career as a professional recruiter, our company Sprout work predominantly in the Real Estate space and I love that we are impacting the lives of our candidates and clients every day. I’m also a director of Evergreen Life Care – West Gosford and heavily involved with Business in Heels an organisation that work to enable business & professional women to succeed through our 4 pillars: mentoring, education, marketing & connections.  

What can I say, I love to laugh a lot and boogie, in a group, in a supermarket around the office yup that’s me. I’m looking forward to this totally fabulous experience with more than a few butterflies in my tummy.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Gener Angeles Watkins

Go shake that booty Annie!!


Marcia Bailey

Love and best wishes Annie. Hope i get to see your performance.