Sarah Buckley

Stars of The North 2025

Sarah Buckley

Hi! I’m Sarah and I am so honoured to be a part of this incredible initiative by the Cancer Council.

I am the lead singer, bass player and songwriter of ‘The Buckleys’ and cancer hit close to home when it took the life of my mentor, one of the leading and closest influences in my life and former manager of our band, Christopher M Murphy back in 2021. It was not long after his diagnosis that he passed away and it was totally unexpected - seeing a man with so much strength, love and passion for life be brought down so quickly and with so much life still to live, took my world by storm.

Our close-knit music community has had a number of other tragic diagnoses over the past couple years, and only last week one of my band’s earliest and most supportive fans passed away at only 32 years old.

Chances are if you’re reading this, you or someone you know has also been closely affected by this horrible disease.

I will be dancing in honour and tribute of all of these people and their families.

The Cancer Council do incredible work from investigating new ways to prevent, detect and treat cancers, financial support for families during times of need, education and awareness about how to reduce risk in our community and so much more.

I certainly do not consider myself a dancer by any means - actually, my dancing is a common inside joke between my friends (!!) - but I am excited to get out of my comfort zone, spread some joy and raise money for an extremely important cause.

I attended this event a few years ago in Byron Bay and it was one of the most inspiring, love-fuelled and uplifting community events I have been witness to.

Thank you being a part of the journey with me - your support means more then you can imagine ❤️